
Computer boot problems

Every time I start my computer the Startup Repair tool launches, does its business and then notifies me that the tool can’t automatically fix the issue.

Once I look under”Problem details”, I visit a number of problem signatures, one of which will be Problem signature 07: CorruptRegistry. Every”Test Performed” entry suggests Result: Completed successfully.
At the conclusion of the list I see”Startup Repair has tried several times but still cannot ascertain the cause of the issue.”

Next measure

I pressed during startup and went through all the F1, F2, F9, F10 and F11 options.

I moved through the Advanced options > Computer checkup choices; namely:

Launch CheckDisk for your Windows Partition

Launch CheckDisk to your WinRE Partition

The first CheckDisk option runs the first three measures, but Step 4 of 5 seems to be a problem: it Stops at 12% complete (85801 of 271344 documents processed. I’ve replicated this checklist step many times, each time that it stops in the exact same location.

The next CheckDisk option appears to run OK. It’s very fast (perhaps a subset of the very first checkdisk option?)

The Open a Command Prompt requires me to X:\windows\system32> I can change to C:\ and D:\ and my construction Appears to Be OK.

With all that info, could some kindly reporter advise what I need to Do? I know just enough about DOS pushes to become harmful, so if there is anything I can do to fix my issue via the Command Prompt option, could you please give me some KISS steps to follow.

Work boots

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